Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Free eBook - The Full Plate Diet Book

Get your online verstion of The Full Plate Diet book.  Has anyone heard of this before?  It's worth taking a look at for free.  It sells for $20 in the stores!

**Update:  I checked this book out online.  It's pretty interesting.  It's all about losing weight by making sure you eat plenty of fiber and drink plenty of water.  If you have ever done Weight Watcher's you know that higher fiber foods have a lower points value so it makes sense.  It challenges you to try to add a little more fiber to each meal and snack and continue to do so until you are regularly getting 40+ grams of fiber per day.  This basically means adding more fruit, veggies, beans, whole grains and nuts to your diet.  Really it's just eating a healthy diet.  May be a good way to start eating healthier and a "dieting" without feeling like you are.  They advise you to work up to 40+ grams slowly so it's not a sudden change that you don't stick with.  I think I will start paying more attention to the amount of fiber I am getting.  People are so incline to just focus on the fat content but doing that can cut out some very healthy foods such as almonds or avocados.

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